Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let the light in

Today I am making changes, small changes. I am unhappy. With myself. I have started to lose myself slowly the last few months in the stream of life I got sucked in to my guilt and anger along with bouts of fear.
I am done, seriously can we change? yes.  Can we choose when to change? yes. I have been beating myself up daily for months now and it has only been a mirror or misery. It's not just about attitude it's a life style change.
Mentally I feel better when I physically feel good. When things are organized and structured I feel a sense of security and have fulfillment. When things are absent from my life then I am up and down.
So I start by taking care of myself. Putting my needs first and then taking care of others. I have so much time in the day that I can structure my day around me and my family, I didn't want to see this or I forgot this.
Life is passing me by and I am lost in the past, I am going to be present and here today... I am letting the light in my darkest hours have past.