Saturday, February 19, 2011

Four Seasons to Grieve

Yesterday I spoke with someone who told me that when her SO lost his life to suicide someone told her it took four season's to grieve and she shared that with me. I'd already started to have thoughts of thinking that this was going to take at least a year. Due to my daily reminders of what we did on this day last year, the anniversary dates, holidays (I never realized how many we really had till now) and then the thoughts of what he would be doing if he were here now, understandably reasons for four season's to grieve.

Friday, February 18, 2011

In Progress

Being Present in my life & living in the now. Finding happiness & grace through tragedy of the loss of my loved one to suicide. Forgiveness, letting go with my spirituality guiding my way through my journey of recovery. Each day holds a new meaning then the day before. Another day sober & another without my loved one Rob. Through these last 9 months months I have had every thing that I know about myself tested & re-evaluated. I search with in myself & re-questioned the things I have been so certain of and through guidance, affirmations & making changes in the areas I needed to & still am working on. I'm a stronger, more open minded & empathetic person then I ever could of thought I could have been. I'm a work in progress! Scary, Damaged with a heart of compassion & love.