Thursday, April 28, 2011

A years pass

This day seemed so far away and now it's coming to an end of one year and on to my two years of sobriety.

My first year of sobriety was filled with so many different life lessons, it was a journey on the road for long term recovery, and when the worst came to pick myself up and re learn to live life.

It's making choices and admitting my wrongs, honesty, openness and willingness. I struggled days and knowing that I made the choice not to drink gives me strength even when I feel weakness in every part of my life I have that sobriety to pull me through.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miche'le,
    Congratulatons on making 12 months sober. It was brilliant feeling when I passed the same milestone. It keeps getting better...role on the 2nd year.
    With a lot of hard work and effort I've managed to make my 6th year.
    Good luck in your future.
    Johnny Boy
