Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Healing past pain

I've focused a lot on the death of Rob's suicide in the last 5 months, there has been other pains that have occurred and that I have ignored and by not dealing with them as they were happening. They did not solve themselves, they just got pushed aside and as they resurface I feel them over and over.

I understand now that they are just going to continue to present themselves unless I acknowledge them and deal with them in a healthy manner and have acceptance and closure. I don't have to like everything, my way doesn't have to be the right way and I don't have to control every situation or not control it at all. I have to accept the things I can not change, change the things and to know the difference between the two. I struggle with knowing the difference. It's something I have to really pray about and ask for guidance. It's taking a lot of stepping back and reflecting and processing what is happening in each situation.

I have always been one to second guess myself at times when I should of went with my original instinct and at other times jumped in when I should of stepped back, frustrating. I find myself now just at a point of not knowing always which I am suppose to be doing and very cautious, which can hinder my recovery. It's finding my gray area.

The pain from the past is holding on to things, but in order to really move forward I have to revisit those past pains and let my self let go of the resentment that have steamed and built walls around me. It's stating it, what it was, taking responsibility of my apart, acknowledging how it affected me, praying about it and then letting it go.Which is our 4th step and I realize now is that while going through this grief process I have to be accountable to do this daily as well as with the other things that resurface from the past.

Also I stepped back from working on making my amends and I'm now feeling an uneasy feeling and a guilt because of it. I feel as if i really didn't focus on those around me and continue to work that part of my program. It's very difficult when you are so deep in grief and loss to focus on much else.

I would like to think this is a sign that I'm feeling ready to move forward and refocus some of life more on to my recovery that was in progress before his died.Which to me is so important. I don't want to not let to much more time pass either and I am feeling as my one year is approaching that it has.

On another note as I was going through a lot of this loss and grief, myself worth lowered and I don't feel I would of given my amends the respect nor the consideration that they deserved. I feel it's a process to grow from and should be done with the intent for just as it is stated an Amend.

I'll step out and work on healing the past pains and make amends.

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